Determiners are the words that determine the type of noun which follows them. we will understand about determiners exercises with examples.
Determiners शब्द है जो अपने बाद आने वाले Noun का निर्धारण करते हैं, जो उनका अनुसरण करते हैं। Determiners exercises with examples की सहायता से समझेंगे कि किस तरह Determiners अपने बाद आने वाले Noun निर्धारण करते हैं।
Next, we will understand the determiner exercises with examples given below the help of these main rules.
Rule Of Determiners-
1. All determiners are adjectives but all adjectives are not determiners.
सभी Determiners विशेषण हैं, लेकिन सभी विशेषण Determiners नहीं होतें हैं।
2. Determiners placed before noun whereas adjective placed before noun and pronoun both.
Determiners संज्ञा से पहले रखे जाते हैं जबकि विशेषण संज्ञा और सर्वनाम दोनों से पहले रखा
जाता है।
3. Determiners modify nouns only whereas adjectives modify nouns and pronouns both.
Determiners केवल संज्ञा को संशोधित करते हैं जबकि विशेषण संज्ञा और सर्वनाम दोनों को संशोधित करते हैं.
Types Of Determiners:-
1. First and foremost.
2. Many, many a
3. Elder and Older
4. Several
5. Each and Every
6. Whole and All
7. Little and A Little
8. Another, Other, Any other
Determiners Exercises With Examples
Now we will understand through different determiners Exercises with examples, how determiners are used in English grammar according to the rules of determiners.
1. First and foremost-
2. Many and Many a-
3. Elder and Older-
4. Several-
5. Each and Every-
6. Whole and All-
7. Little and A Little
8. Another, Other, Any other
Read also- Use of Few, A fee And The Few
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